Marilynn James

 Gracelyn James was a pediatrician from Louisville, Kentucky. When she began her medical practice in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1953 the local hospitals were legally segregated according to law, white patients. The first female doctor of color at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. She was the first female to practice as a cardiologist.

Gracelyn started her private pediatric clinic in Louisville in the late sixties. One of her first objectives was to become the first African American to be granted membership in the prestigious Bluegrass Children's Hospital. This goal became more temperate in the beginning of the seventies Books on Faith. Gracelyn was determined to reach her goal. Gracelyn rose up to the rank of chief pediatrician. She was named chair of Pediatrics at the University of Louisville.

In recognition of her contributions to the medical profession In recognition of her contributions to the medical community, she was appointed professor of pediatrics at University of Miami's medical college. She then was able to complete postgraduate training in clinical fellowship at the University of Chicago. She also completed postgraduate research in pediatrics at the University of New York. She was a pioneer on the subject of head and brain injuries.

Gracey's Children’s Hospital was her own private practice, which she started when she was finishing her University of Louisville studies. It became a hub for pediatric research as well as treatment and education Fully Persuaded Faith. She was honored with a variety of prestigious awards such as the Pediatric Academic Network's Outstanding Faculty Award. In addition, she began her career as teacher in private schools throughout the New York City suburbs, eventually becoming the Director of Education for the New York City Department of Education. She was awarded the title of "Best Young Principal" in the same time.

In her quest to start her medical career at the University of Louisville she pursued an endowed professorship. This would give her the financial stability she needed. However, her path did not end with that of an endowed professorship; rather it began to receive a first year fellowship at the College of Medicine of the University of Kentucky. After that, she was then awarded a second fellowship for teaching at the University's School of Nursing.

After becoming a certified medical doctor, she opted to become an assistant an eminent doctor before she was able to become a professional doctor. She became a pediatrician in private practice. She served for four years in the department of the Family Medical Department before being appointed Director of Health Services in Louisville. Marilynn is active in a variety of civic and community organizations, sits on numerous boards of directors, and is involved in local politics.


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